8-Day Havana Street Photography Workshop
April 13 to 20, 2025
“Listening to, observing, and following Steve Anchell in the city streets of Cuba is an experience not to be missed and long valued.” ~Nick Mobile, Malvern, Penn.
The Havana Street Photography Workshop is a real-life experience led by award-winning photographer and published Cuba expert, Steve Anchell.
This is an authentic opportunity to connect with the people of Cuba, and witness, first-hand, the shifting cultural landscape in which they live.
The workshop is structured around people photography and architecture, emphasizing the methods Steve taught at the International Center of Photography in NYC and Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. Dancers, craftsmen, Art Deco and Colonial style architecture, visits to Cuban homes, and working side-by-side with Cuban photographers are all part of this unique workshop experience.
In this 8-day workshop Steve, along with internationally known Cuban photographers, will work with you on your street photography skills. This year the workshop has been restructured to allow more time working with Cuban photographers and additional image critiques. Steve will also be available to work with you individually on technical issues you may be experiencing.
The Havana Street Photography Workshops is focused on people photography, portraits, and street photography. The main goal is to connect with the Cuban people and discover an exciting and mysterious culture. This is a unique opportunity for photographers to visit Havana and engage with the Cuban people. This will be an opportunity to make a portfolio of photographs of these amazingly human, vibrant, and passionate people and culture. This educational exchange offers participants the chance to be a part of the amazing spirit and passion for living the Cuban people have to offer.
We will have flexibility in our itineraries and have planned these trips to utilize the emerging private sector in Cuba. Most days will include a 3-hour group photo session, though participation is optional. There will be free time for editing your work for a presentation and critique on select evenings.
This is a workshop for all levels. To participate, you don’t need to be an expert photographer; film, digital, 4x5, or cellphone, are all welcome.
While any one may enroll in the Havana Street Photography Workshop, the course is intended to introduce photographers to Cuba and teach street photography skills. If you are an experienced street photographer you can join the lecture sessions or take off on your own, rejoining the group for other activities including meals.
• Accommodations in Cuba
• All breakfasts at the hotel in Cuba
• Welcome dinner
• Photographic instruction provided by Steve Anchell and Cuban photographers
Not Included:
• Airfare to Cuba is not included. The airlines provide Cuban health insurance as mandated by Cuban law.
• Transportation to workshop locations.
• The required Cuban visa. Complete instructions on purchasing a visa are included in the Information Package you will receive.
• Alcoholic beverages
• Activities outside the workshop
• All meals except those noted
$3195 per person (double occupancy)
Single occupancy: $395
Limited to 12 participants
Our trips to Cuba are a gateway to a unique cultural experience and fully comply with current U.S. government regulations under General License 31 CFR 515.574 Support for the Cuban People. The Havana Street Photography Workshop offers a full-time schedule of meaningful interactions with the Cuban people, promoting independent activity and capturing their amazing lives with our cameras.
This workshop is in alliance with Cuba's premier photographic organization, Fototeca de Cuba. Our unique program allows U.S. participants to learn about Cuba's long and colorful history and have meaningful interactions with Cubans from all walks of life.
More information will be sent upon registration, including visa information, etc.
Enrollment for the Havana Street Photography Workshop is limited to twelve participants. Participants make their own air travel arrangements to Havana and return to the U.S. Once the trip is confirmed, additional information and travel details will be provided.
View Workshop Payment, Refund, Withdrawal, and Transfer Policies.
We ask that you refrain from cell phone usage during workshop sessions, including shared meals, and traveling between destinations. Exceptions are family emergencies. If you must use your cell phone for business or social interaction, please wait until you can safely remove yourself from the workshop.
“Thank you for all I learned during the workshop. It was amazing experience and very helpful!! Now I know how to throw away all my hesitations in taking pictures in the streets.” ~Popi Tsoukatou, Athens, Greece
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